Mangoes are sweet and juicy fruits that are traditionally grown in tropical regions. They have skin that is generally not eaten but is rich in anti-oxidants, whereas the inside part is a soft and juicy pulp and inside the pulp is a seed that is as hard as stone which is inedible.

Mango is a low calorie fruit that is high in fibre, folate, B6, Iron, Zinc, Calicium and  contains goodness of vitamin A, C, and E. This fruit not only tastes good but boasts an impressive nutritional profile. Here’s an overview of the nutritional benefits that mango offers.

Mangoes contain digestive enzymes called amylases.. The amylases. help to break down large molecules for easier absorption. Amylases break down complex carbs into sugars, such as glucose and maltose. These enzymes are more active in ripe mangos. The water and fibre present in mangoes aid the digestion process and help to prevent problems like constipation.  Studies also suggest that the peel of mango is high in fibre, and it may prevent obesity.

Heart health

Mangoes contain magnesium and potassium which help to maintain a healthy pulse rate and relax blood vessels, promoting lower blood pressure levels. Mango also contains a unique antioxidant called mangiferin that may protect heart cells against inflammation, oxidative stress and apoptosis. It may also aid in reducing cholesterol.


Mango contains Vitamin A which help to maintain a healthy immune system. The Vitamin C present in mangoes help your body produce more disease-fighting white blood cells, help these cells work more effectively and improve your skin’s defenses. The folate, vitamin K, vitamin E and several B vitamins aid immunity as well.


Mangoes contain antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin which accumulate in the retina of the eye which is responsible for converting light into brain signals so your brain can interpret what you see.


Mango is the ultimate brain food and is packed with essential nutrients like fibre, folate, B6, Iron, Zinc, Calicium and contains goodness of vitamin A, C, and E.  Lack of these nutrients can lead to neurological decline. Other B Vitamins are crucial in maintaining brain function.


A study conducted in Oklahoma actually found that supplementing with mango for 12 weeks significantly reduced blood sugar levels in obese adults. The fiber in mangos may also help promote normal blood sugar levels. Fiber that  passes through the gastrointestinal tract undigested, slowing the absorption of sugar in the process.


Pectin found in mangoes not only helps in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, but may also guard against prostate cancer. It is also known to play a key role in the progression of cancer. Mangiferin, a major polyphenol in mango played a key role in reducing inflammation, protected cells against oxidative stress and either stopped the growth of cancer cells or killed them.

Skin and hair

Mango helps you to look youthful for as long as possible. The Vitamin A found in mango promotes tissue repair and fights wrinkles and signs of ageing. It protects against oxidative damage boosts production of collagen. Vitamin A also keeps the hair moisturized.


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